Hydrogeological Responses to the Canterbury Earthquakes

  • Rutter, H. (Aqualinc Research Ltd.) ;
  • Cox, S. (GNS Science) ;
  • Weir, J. (Aqualinc Research Ltd.) ;
  • Palmer, K. (Canterbury Regional Council)
  • Published : 2012.05.16


Hydrologic responses to the 4September 2010 $M_W$ 7.1 and 22 February 2011 $M_W$ 6.2 Canterbury earthquakes ranged from near instantaneous co-seismic liquefaction and changes in groundwater levels, to more sustained (days to months) changes in river discharge, spring flow and groundwater level. There was some indication of a sustained change in aquifer properties. This paper presents some of the hydrographs from the September and February events, and compares the response to each event, briefly taking into account the location of the bore relative to each earthquake, together with other factors such as borehole depth. Over the months following the September earthquake, a pattern emerged of relatively short-term responses in the shallow aquifers and in the confined aquifer system, close to the coast. A longer term response appears to have occurred in inland, deep bores, where water levels 12 months after the September event were (in some cases) up to 20 metres higher than would have been expected based on simple modelling (see Figure 3). Some examples of these are highlighted.
