A Study on Finding the K Shortest Paths for the Multimodal Public Transportation Network in the Seoul Metropolitan

수도권 복합 대중교통망의 복수 대안 경로 탐색 알고리즘 고찰

  • 박종훈 (한국철도기술연구원, 녹색교통물류연구본부 교통시스템효율화연구단) ;
  • 손무성 (고려대학교, 공과대학 산업경영공학부) ;
  • 오석문 (한국철도기술연구원, 녹색교통물류연구본부 교통시스템효율화연구단) ;
  • 민재홍 (한국철도기술연구원, 녹색교통물류연구본부 교통시스템효율화연구단)
  • Published : 2011.10.20


This paper reviews search methods of multiple reasonable paths to implement multimodal public transportation network of Seoul. Such a large scale multimodal public transportation network as Seoul, the computation time of path finding algorithm is a key and the result of path should reflect route choice behavior of public transportation passengers. Search method of alternative path is divided by removing path method and deviation path method. It analyzes previous researches based on the complexity of algorithm for large-scale network. Applying path finding algorithm in public transportation network, transfer and loop constraints must be included to be able to reflect real behavior. It constructs the generalized cost function based on the smart card data to reflect travel behavior of public transportation. To validate the availability of algorithm, experiments conducted with Seoul metropolitan public multimodal transportation network consisted with 22,109 nodes and 215,859 links by using the deviation path method, suitable for large-scale network.
