VPH Gratings for Near-Infrared Spectrographs

  • Published : 2011.10.05


Volume Phase Holographic (VPH) gratings are getting more popular as dispersion elements in spectrographs. High efficiency, compact configuration, and easy handling are driving many visual spectrographs to use VPH gratings for their main dispersers or for their cross-dispersers in higher resolution spectrographs. More recently, VPH gratings are being adopted in near-infrared by some spectrographs and by a number of next generation instrument projects. IGRINS (Immersion Grating Infrared Spectrograph) uses a VPH grating as a cross-disperser in each H or K band arm. J or H band performance of VPH gratings has been proven by other instruments. But K-band VPH gratings are new to the field. In this presentation, we are going to present test results we have got so far for verification of H-band VPH gratings and development of K-band VPH gratings.
