Physical Properties of Untwisting Chromospheric Surges of AR 10930

  • Published : 2011.04.05


We report untwisting chromospheric surges of AR 10930. Hinode Solar Optical Telescope (SOT) observed AR 10930 on the west limb continuously from 11:21 UT December 18 to 09:58 UT December 19, using the Ca II H broadband filter. During the observation, rise and fall motion accompanying rotation appeared recursively. There occurred a total of 14 surges at AR 10930 over 17 hours. The average duration was 45 minutes, and the average width, and length were 8 Mm, and 39 Mm, respectively. The dynamic properties including number of turns from the rise to the fall, the axial speed and acceleration are also analyzed. We speculate that the surges occurred by recursive reconnections between the twisted prominence and large untwisted flux tube.
