Solar Flare Occurrence Probability depending on Sunspot Group Classification and Its Area Change

  • 발행 : 2011.04.05


We investigated solar flare occurrence probability depending on sunspot group classification and its area change. For this study, we used the McIntosh sunspot group classification and then selected most flare-productive six sunspot groups : DKI, DKC, EKI, EKC, FKI and FKC. For each group, we classified it into three sub-groups according to the sunspot group area change : increase, steady and decrease. For sunspot data, we used the NOAA's active region information for 19 years (from 1992.01 to 2010.12). As a result, we found that the probabilities of the all "increase" sub-groups is noticeably higher than those of other sub-groups. In case of FKC McIntosh sunspot group, for example, the M-class flare occurrence probability of the "increase" sub-group is 65% while the "decrease" and "steady" sub-groups are 50% and 44%, respectively. In summary, when sunspot group area increases, the probability of solar flares noticeably increases. This is statistical evidence that magnetic flux emergence is an very important mechanism for triggering solar flares.
