- 한국태양에너지학회 2011년도 춘계학술발표대회 논문집
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- Pages.48-53
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- 2011
소형풍력발전기의 설계하중 평가 연구
An Assessment Study for Design Load of a Small Wind Turbine
Hyun, Seung-Gun
(Multi disciplinary Graduate School of Wind Energy, Jeju National University) ;
Kim, Keon-Hoon
(Wind Energy Research Center, Korea Institute of Energy Research) ;
Huh, Jong-Chul
(Faculty of Mechanical Energy System Engineering, Jeju National University)
- 발행 : 2011.04.07
In this study, it is to verify the applicability for a simplified model(IEC61400-2, Design Require-ments for Small Wind Turbines, 2006-03) is the international standard is used to the structural design. In the design process of a wind turbine, the safety of a designed wind turbine is one of the most important factors. The simplified model can be used to determine the design load for small wind turbines. So, this paper has been re-evaluated a small wind turbine design loads that produced already. As a result, the material characteristic value(Rchar) of Blade, Rotor shaft and the tower are