표층수의 월류를 통한 소수력빌전소 수차터빈측의 유동안정화 연구

Studies on the flow stabilization around the turbine suction with utilizing the surface water overflow at small-hydraulic power plant

  • 발행 : 2011.11.16


Flow with suction to water turbine must be in stable state at small hydraulic power plant. But because of water level fluctuation and water gate effect according to irregular supply of cooling water, it would happen to produce bubble and vortex and finally lead to problems in power-plant system. With utilizing the concept design of double size gate, surface water overflowed the overhead of gate for stable flow at suction. We developed the overflow condition and analyzed the design factor with existed one such as water level(overflow amount) and overhead of water gate(overflow figure). Flow test and CFD simulation say that flow have stable state around suction and 20% of wave reduction effect at surface layer after surface water overflow.
