Development of hardware simulator for PMSG wind power system composed of anemometer and motor-generator set

풍속계와 Motor-Generator를 이용한 영구자석동기발전기 풍력발전시스템 하드웨어 시뮬레이터 개발

  • Published : 2010.11.26


This paper describes development of hardware simulator for the PMSG(Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator) wind power system, which was designed using real wind data. The simulator consists of a realistic wind turbine model using anemometer, vector drive, induction motor. The turbine simulator generates torque and speed signals for a specific wind turbine with respect to given wind speed. This torque and speed signals are scaled down to fit the input of 3kW PMSG. The PMSG-side converter operates to track the maximum power point and the grid-side inverter controls the active and reactive power supplied to the grid. The operational feasibility was first verified by computer simulations with PSCAD/EMTDC. The feasibility of real system implementation was confirmed through experimental works with a hardware set-up.
