Shell Candidates from I-GALFA HI Survey

  • 발행 : 2010.10.06


Diffuse interstellar atomic hydrogen (HI) gases are easily shaped into shell-like features by energetic processes such as stellar winds and supernova explosions. The physical characteristics and the Galactic distribution of HI shells and shell-like structures, therefore, are closely related to those of the energy sources. Recently, Inner-Galaxy Arecibo L-band Feed Array (I-GALFA) low-latitude HI survey has been completed. I-GALFA HI survey covers the central part of the first quadrant ($31^{\circ}{\lesssim}1{\lesssim}77^{\circ}$ at b = $0^{\circ}$, ${\mid}b{\mid}\lesssim\;12^{\circ}$) with spatial and velocity resolutions of 3.35′and 0.184 km/s, respectively. The high-angular and high-velocity resolutions enable in-depth investigation of HI shells including the ones of smaller angular sizes. We have found 36 shell candidates with the naked eye. Their angular sizes are distributed from $\sim0.4^{\circ}$ to $\sim12^{\circ}$. About sixteen of them appear to be expanding. We examine associated features at other wavebands and discuss their origin.
