TRAO Outer Galaxy Surey in $^{13}CO$ I

  • 발행 : 2010.04.06


We present a result of $^{13}CO$(1-0) survey toward the Outer Galactic Plane using the multi-beam receiver system recently installed on the 14 m telescope at Taeduk Radio Astronomy Observatory(TRAO). Our first target region is from $l=108^{\circ}$ to $113^{\circ}$ and $b=-1^{\circ}$ to $+1^{\circ}$, and some extended regions are included where emission is still arising. All data are on 50" grid. Velocity resolution is 0.63 km/sec, and the total velocity range is from -150 km/sec to 100 km/sec. A total of 40,000 spectra were obtained. The rms noise is about 0.2 K per channel for unsmoothed raw data. We will present a few initial results of the survey database.
