Faraday Rotation Measurein the Large-Scale Structure II

  • 발행 : 2010.04.06


In the last meeting of KAS, we reported the first statistical study of Faraday rotation measure (RM) in the large-scale structure of the universe using the data of cosmological structure formation simulations. With a turbulence dynamo model for the intergalactic magnetic field (IGMF), we predicted that the root mean square of RM through filaments is \sim 1 rad/m^2. Future radio observatories such as the Square Kilometer Array (SKA) could detect this signal level. However, it is known that the typical foreground galactic RM is a few tens and less than ten rad/m^2 in the low and high galactic latitudes, respectively. So the RM in the large-scale structure could be detected only after the foreground galactic RM is removed. In this talk, we show how we remove the foreground galactic RM and what we obtain from the masked data, by using some noise models and masking techniques. Our results can be used to simulate future RM observations by SKA, and eventually to constrain the origin and evolution of the IGMF in the large-scale structure.
