Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference (한국지반공학회:학술대회논문집)
- 2010.09a
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- Pages.940-950
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- 2010
Case Study for Lateral Displacement of Caisson installed on Deep Soft Soils
대심도 연약지반상에 건설되는 케이슨의 측방변형 사례 연구
- Kim, Myung-Hak (Dept. of Civil Engineering, Inje University) ;
- Yoon, Min-Seung (Dept. of Civil Engineering, Inje University) ;
- Lee, Sang-Wook (Dept. of Civil Engineering, Inje University) ;
- Lee, Chea-Kyun (Dept. of Sightseeing Promotion, Gyeongsangnamdo) ;
Han, Byoung-Won
(Baytech Korea Inc.)
- 김명학 (인제대학교 토목공학과, 건설기술연구소) ;
- 윤민승 (인제대학교 토목공학과) ;
- 이상욱 (인제대학교 토목공학과) ;
- 이채건 (경남도청 관광진흥과) ;
((주)바이텍코리아 영남지사)
- Published : 2010.09.09
In case of uneven surcharge like backfill or embankment after constructing caisson applied on the deep soft marine deposits, lateral deformation of soft soils would happen due to plastic deformation of soil particles by increase of excess pore water pressure. Lateral deformation of soil will result in the caisson displacement which affects soft soil-caisson structure safety. Soft soil was improved by soil compaction pile method, and then gravity caisson was installed. Soil deformations were monitored and analyzed with step by step backfill and embankment behind the caisson. Amount and speed of lateral deformation after the installation of caissons were closely related with the time of backfill and embankment. The relationship between maximum lateral displacement(