강우조건을 고려한 불포화사면의 안정성 평가

Evaluation of Rainfall Conditions on Slope Stability in Unsaturated Weathered Soils

  • 권홍기 (단국대학교 토목환경공학과) ;
  • 박성완 (단국대학교 토목환경공학과)
  • Kwon, Hong-Ki (Dept. of Civil & Environment Engineering, Dankook Univ.) ;
  • Park, Seong-Wan (Dept. of Civil & Environment Engineering, Dankook Univ.)
  • 발행 : 2010.03.25


It has been reported that many slope failures in unsaturated soils are mainly caused by downward infiltration due to rainfall. The rainfall characteristics could be an important factor, and more predictable slope failures can be achieved by considering more reasonable rainfall conditions. So, a need exists that these trends of infiltration in weathered soils, which is commonly found in Korea, are assessed by considering rainfall conditions based on phenomenological approach. In this paper, numerical analyses of unsaturated soil slope under rainfall conditions are presented based on the soil-water characteristic curve in the laboratory and huff method. Then the performance of unsaturated weathered soil slopes was evaluated under various conditions after applying the effect of overburden pressure on SWCCs and fines contents. The results demonstrated that the rainfall conditions using Huff method can be very effective and the proper application on analysis is very important to enhance the prediction on unsaturated slope stability.
