한국지반공학회:학술대회논문집 (Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference)
- 한국지반공학회 2010년도 춘계 학술발표회
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- Pages.379-389
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- 2010
안벽기초 구조물의 신뢰성설계를 위한 목표파괴확률 결정
Target Probability of Failure of Quay Wall Foundation for Reliability-Based Design
Yoon, Gil-Lim
(Coastal Engineering d& Ocean Energy Research Dept., Korea Ocean Research & Development Institute(KORDI)) ;
- Yoon, Yeo-Won (Dept. of Civil Engineering, Inha University) ;
Kim, Hong-Yeon
(Coastal Engineering & Ocean Energy Research Dept., KORDI)
- 발행 : 2010.03.25
It is very important to determine a target probability of failure in reliability based design such as an allowable factor of safety in working stress design because they are indices to judge the stability of structures. We have carried out reliability analyses of nationwide gravity type quay walls and found that sliding and foundation failures of quay walls were dominant failure modes for every case of loads. And a target probability of failure for bearing capacity of foundation of quay wall was also determined in this study. Of several approaches which have been suggested until now, a couple of reasonable approaches were used. Firstly, in order to consider the safety margin of structures which have been executed so far, the reliability levels of existing structures were assessed. And then a mean probability of failure for the quay walls was estimated. In addition, life cycle cost(LCC) analyses for representative structures were performed. Probabilities of failure for several quay walls were calculated with changing the width of each quay wall section. LCC of quay wall which is requiring case by case during the service life was evaluated, and also the optimum probability of failure of quay wall which minimizes LCC was found. Finally, reasonable target probabilities of failure were suggested by comparing with mean probability of failure of existing structures.