한국지반공학회:학술대회논문집 (Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference)
- 한국지반공학회 2010년도 춘계 학술발표회
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- Pages.351-359
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- 2010
대구경 PHC말뚝 및 대구경 복합말뚝($\phi$ 1,000mm) 지지력 산정에 관한 연구
Bearing capacity of large diameter PHC pile and large diameter composite pile
- 신윤섭 (주)GS건설 기술본부 지반팀) ;
(한국건설기술연구원 지반연구실) ;
- 황의성 (삼표이앤씨(주) 파일사업팀) ;
- 조성한 ((주)GS건설 기술본부 지반팀) ;
(한국건설기술연구원 지반연구실) ;
- 이진영 ((주)신일기초 기술영업부)
- Shin, Yun-Sup (Geotechnical Engineering Team, GS E&C) ;
Park, Jae-Hyun
(Geotechnical research division of KICT) ;
- Hwang, Ui-Seong (Pile Business and Engineering Division, Sampyo E&C) ;
- Cho, Sung-Han (Geotechnical Engineering Team, GS E&C) ;
Chung, Moon-Kyung
(Geotechnical research division of KICT) ;
- Lee, Jin-Young (Pile Business and Engineering Division, Shinil)
- 발행 : 2010.03.25
Large PHC piles with a diameter of 1,000mm or larger were recently introduced for the first time in Korea. This paper presents full-scale static and dynamic pile load tests performed on two 1,000mm PHC piles and two composite piles with steel pipe piles of the same diameter in the upper portion, installed by driving and pre-boring. The objectives of the tests include evaluating pile drivability, load-settlement relation, allowable bearing capacity, and the stability of mechanical splicing element for the composite pile(a.k.a. non-welding joint). The performance of the large diameter PHC piles were thought to be satisfactory compared to that of middle sized PHC piles with a long history of successful applications in the domestic and foreign markets.