보스-리브 시험 시 펀치 형상 및 마찰 조건에 따른 변형 양상에 대한 연구

Effect of Punch Design and Friction Condition on Deformation Pattern in Boss and Rib Test

  • 윤여웅 (한국기계연구원 부설 재료연구소 산업기술지원본부) ;
  • 강성훈 (한국기계연구원 부설 재료연구소 융합공정연구본부)
  • 발행 : 2009.10.08


Recently, boss and rib test based on backward extrusion process was proposed to quantitative evaluate the interfacial friction condition in bulk forming process. In this test, the tube-shaped punch with hole pressurizes the workpiece so that the boss and rib are formed along the hole and outer surface of the punch. It was experimentally and numerically revealed that the height of boss is higher than that of the rib under the severe friction condition. This work is focused on the effect of the punch design and friction condition on deformation pattern in boss and rib test. From the boss and rib test simulations, it was found that there is slight variation in both the heights of boss and rib according to the length of punch land, nose radius, and face angle. However the hole diameter of the punch and the clearance between the punch and die have a significant influence on the heights of the boss and rib. In addition, the effect of flow stress was also investigated on the deformation patterns through FE simulations.
