Revised PPC Measurement Method considering Interfering Float Weight of Task

  • 발행 : 2009.05.27


It is commonly recognized to need performance management for successful construction project. PPC measurement of Last Planner System is one of construction project measurement method. PPC measurement is quantitatively assessment to go through construction, and that is not completely to be trusted when compare a project with another or an individual case work with another in same project. According to, purpose of this study is comparison indicator establishment that compare project with another or an individual case work with another it is not use PPC measurement for quantitatively assessment to go through construction. The procedure of this study is derive of the point at issue of existing PPC measurement for a aim PPC measurement in this study expenditure and select weight about that and it is applied to actually construction.



The authors would like to thank Korea's Ministry of Construction and Transportation for supporting this research (Research Project 05 CIT D05-01).