Gadanki radar observations of F-region irregularities during June solstice of solar minimum: First results and preliminary analysis

  • Kumar, D.V. Phani (Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute) ;
  • Patra, A.K. (National Atmospheric Research Lab.) ;
  • Kwak, Y.S. (Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute) ;
  • Pant, T.K. (Space Physics Lab., VSSC)
  • 발행 : 2009.10.15


In this paper we present the first results of summer-time F region irregularities during low solar condition observed using the Gadanki MST radar. Echoes were observed on all 20 nights of radar observations and were mostly confined to the post-midnight hours. Echo morphology is very different from the equinoxial post-sunset plume-like features reported earlier from Gadanki. Echo SNRs are lower by 25 dB than their equinoxial post-sunset counterpart, and are quite comparable to the equinoxial irregularities in the post-midnight hours, which are essentially the decaying post-sunset irregularities. The Doppler velocities, which lie in the range of $\pm$ 100 m s-1, show upward/northward motion of the irregularities during the initial phase in contrast to the observed predominant downward/southward velocities associated with the decaying equinoxial post-midnight F region irregularities. Spectral widths of the summer echoes, which are well below 50 m s-1 and are very similar to those of the decaying equinoxial irregularities, represent the presence of weak plasma turbulence. Simultaneous observations made using a collocated ionosonde show no ionogram trace during 2200-0530 LT except for a few occasions. Weak frequency type spread F observed during midnight hours occurred without prior occurrence of range spread F. Concurrent ionosonde observations made from magnetic equatorial location Trivandrum also show very similar result and thus no height rise of the F layer during the midnight hours could be monitored. The preliminary analysis suggests that the post-midnight irregularities reported here are mostly freshly generated ones. The observations are discussed in the light of other observational results reported earlier and the current under standing on the post-midnight occurrence F region irregularities in summer.
