여름강수량의 단기예측을 위한 Multi-Ensemble GCMs 기반 시공간적 Downscaling 기법 개발

Development of Multi-Ensemble GCMs Based Spatio-Temporal Downscaling Scheme for Short-term Prediction

  • 발행 : 2009.05.21


A rainfall simulation and forecasting technique that can generate daily rainfall sequences conditional on multi-model ensemble GCMs is developed and applied to data in Korea for the major rainy season. The GCM forecasts are provided by APEC climate center. A Weather State Based Downscaling Model (WSDM) is used to map teleconnections from ocean-atmosphere data or key state variables from numerical integrations of Ocean-Atmosphere General Circulation Models to simulate daily sequences at multiple rain gauges. The method presented is general and is applied to the wet season which is JJA(June-July-August) data in Korea. The sequences of weather states identified by the EM algorithm are shown to correspond to dominant synoptic-scale features of rainfall generating mechanisms. Application of the methodology to seasonal rainfall forecasts using empirical teleconnections and GCM derived climate forecast are discussed.
