토양-식생-대기 이송모형내의 육지수문모의 개선

Improvements to the Terrestrial Hydrologic Scheme in a Soil-Vegetation-Atmosphere Transfer Model

  • 발행 : 2009.05.21


Climate models, both global and regional, have increased in sophistication and are being run at increasingly higher resolutions. The Land Surface Models (LSMs) coupled to these climate models have evolved from simple bucket models to sophisticated Soil-Vegetation-Atmosphere Transfer (SVAT) schemes needed to support complex linkages and processes. However, some underpinnings of terrestrial hydrologic parameterizations so crucial in the predictions of surface water and energy fluxes cause model errors that often manifest as non-linear drifts in the dynamic response of land surface processes. This requires the improved parameterizations of key processes for the terrestrial hydrologic scheme to improve the model predictability in surface water and energy fluxes. The Common Land Model (CLM), one of state-of-the-art LSMs, is the land component of the Community Climate System Model (CCSM). However, CLM also has energy and water biases resulting from deficiencies in some parameterizations related to hydrological processes. This research presents the implementation of a selected set of parameterizations and their effects on the runoff prediction. The modifications consist of new parameterizations for soil hydraulic conductivity, water table depth, frozen soil, soil water availability, and topographically controlled baseflow. The results from a set of offline simulations are compared with observed data to assess the performance of the new model. It is expected that the advanced terrestrial hydrologic scheme coupled to the current CLM can improve model predictability for better prediction of runoff that has a large impact on the surface water and energy balance crucial to climate variability and change studies.
