Numerical Study on the Flow Distribution Characteristics with Varying Inlet Flow-Rate in Mega Collector Risers
입구 유량변화에 따른 메가 집열기 지관의 유량분포특성에 대한 수치해석
- Kim, Hwi-Dong (Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Graduate School, In-ha University) ;
Baek, Nam-Choon
(Korea Institute of Energy Research)
- Published : 2009.04.10
Flow distribution characteristics with varying inlet flow-rate in mega collector risers have been investigated, using commercial code FLUENT. The heat transfer in mega collector was not considered in this numerical study. Through the simulation, the following results were found. First, flow distribution characteristics in mega collector risers show the similar tendency in all cases. Secondly, with increased inlet flow-rate, flow distribution uniformity was getting worse.