설계정수 산정을 위한 지반조사

Site Investigations for Design Parameter Determination

  • 조완제 (단국대학교 토목환경공학과)
  • Cho, Wan-Jei (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Dankook University)
  • 발행 : 2009.09.25


It is essential to carry out appropriate site investigations for the accurate prediction of the geo-structure. However, the importance of the site investigation is often overlooked due to the time and expense constraints. In this study, several cases of geotechnical design perfromed in United States are introduced with the lessons about how the site investigations are planned, performed and applied for the actual design parameter determination. Based on the case studies presented herein, experienced geotechnical engineer should participate in site investigations from the planning stage through the final boring logs and utilize all the laboratory and field tests to have consistent input parameters for the soil constitutive models. Furthermore, it is also desired to have close relationship between construction industry and the academia to compensate their needs.
