암석의 성인별 한계변형률 특성에 관한 연구

A study on critical strain properties of intact rock due to Petrogenesis

  • 김영수 (경북대학교 건설공학부 토목공학) ;
  • 박시현 (한국시설안전기술공단 지하시설실) ;
  • 김대만 (경북대학교 건설공학부 토목공학) ;
  • 신지섭 (경북대학교 건설공학부 토목공학) ;
  • 한희수 (경북대학교 건설공학부 토목공학)
  • Kim, Young-Su (Dept. of Civil Eng., Kyungpook Nat. Univ.) ;
  • Park, Si-Hyun (Dept. of Underground Structure, KISTEC) ;
  • Kim, Dae-Man (Dept. of Civil Eng., Kyungpook Nat. Univ) ;
  • Shin, Ji-Seop (Dept. of Civil Eng., Kyungpook Nat. Univ.) ;
  • Han, Hee-Su (5) 전공 석사과정, Master Course, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Kyungpook Nat. Univ.)
  • 발행 : 2009.03.27


This study was conducted in order to know the internal application of the critical strain graph. To evaluate critical strain graph, we carried out an uniaxial compression test with some of internal rocks: sandstone, shale, weathered granite, and pink granitic. Based on the uniaxial compression test, we deduced relations among critical strain, failure strain, uniaxial compression strength and modulus of elasticity. As a result, the study has found out the rocks, which have been tested, can be possibly evaluated by critical strain graph.
