Recognition of partially occluded 3-D targets from computationally reconstructed integral images

  • Lee, Keong-Jin (3D Display Research Center, Dept. of Electronic Eng., Kangwoon University) ;
  • Li, Gen (3D Display Research Center, Dept. of Electronic Eng., Kangwoon University) ;
  • Lee, Guen-Sik (3D Display Research Center, Dept. of Electronic Eng., Kangwoon University) ;
  • Hwang, Dong-Choon (3D Display Research Center, Dept. of Electronic Eng., Kangwoon University) ;
  • Kim, Eun-Soo (3D Display Research Center, Dept. of Electronic Eng., Kangwoon University)
  • 발행 : 2008.10.13


In this paper, a novel approach for robust recognition of partially occluded 3-D target objects from computationally reconstructed integral images is proposed. The occluding object noises are selectively removed from the picked-up elemental images and performance of the proposed integral imaging-based 3-D target recognition system can be improved.
