Proceedings of the KSR Conference (한국철도학회:학술대회논문집)
- 2008.06a
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- Pages.2094-2100
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- 2008
Measurement and Analysis of indoor PMV by Winter Temperature Humidity Change in Rolling Stock
겨울철 온도와 습도변화에 따른 철도차량 실내 PMV 측정 분석
So, Jin-Sub
Yoo, Seong-Yeon
Kim, Hui-Man
- Kang, Sung-Hae ;
Kim, Wan-Jong
- Kim, Yun-Su ;
- Kim, Jin-Kyu ;
- Seo, Seung-Seok ;
Yun, Cha-Jung
(한국철도공사, 철도연구원, 기술연구팀) ;
(충남대학교 기계설계공학과) ;
(한국철도공사) ;
- 강성해 (한국철도공사) ;
(한국철도공사) ;
- 김윤수 (한국철도공사) ;
- 김진규 (한국철도공사) ;
- 서승석 (한국철도공사) ;
- Published : 2008.06.12
The indoor PMV(Predicted Mean Vote) in rolling stock is very important for the enhancement of the amenity and health of passengers. Many researchers have studied it not for train but for building. Thermal comfort in Rolling Stock is function of temperature, relative humidity, air current, radiation temperature, etc. So, in this study, we have performed thermal environment in rolling stock(Electric motor car, Saemaeul, Mugunghwa train), and verified the relation between the PMV from Nov.2007 and Feb.2008. As a result, the average PMV value for each trains are 0.2, -0.3 Electric motor car, 0.5, 0.1, 0.1, 1.1 for Mugunghwa, 0.3, 0.5 for Saemaeul.