Proceedings of the KSR Conference (한국철도학회:학술대회논문집)
- 한국철도학회 2008년도 추계학술대회 논문집
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- Pages.1881-1888
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- 2008
A Study on Decision Making Model for the Optimum Number of Ticket Booth
역 매표창구수 결정 모형에 관한 연구
- 발행 : 2008.11.13
As the ticket issuing methods have been diversified for the convenience of the passengers such as ticketless service(SMS ticket, e-ticket, home ticket), automatic ticket issuing machine and consignment ticket sale, maintaining the current number of ticket booth has been becoming a issue. Too many booth can cause the inefficiency of the cost of labor. According to the Charter of Customer Service of Korail, on the other hand, 95% of passengers have to purchase a train ticket within 5 minutes. This study was designed to present a decision making model for the optimum number of ticket booth which can affect an efficient operation of train station and improvement of customer convenience. And, this paper shows the proper manpower of ticket booth and the change of customer waiting time by analyzing the arrival and ticket issuing time of passengers based on 'Queueing Theory'. However, it is insufficient to be generalized due to some limitations of analysis. This study will contribute to improve customer satisfaction by reducing the waiting time at the ticket booth. In addition, presenting the optimum number of booth is expected to have an effect on the increase of productivity and cost savings.