Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference (한국지반공학회:학술대회논문집)
- 2008.03a
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- Pages.803-812
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- 2008
Evaluation of the applicability of TBM performance prediction models based on field data
현장 굴진자료 분석에 의한 TBM 성능예측모델의 적용성 평가
- Oh, Ki-Youl (Dept. of Civil Engineering, Hoseo University) ;
Chang, Soo-Ho
(Underground Structure Research Diviition, Korea Institute of Construction Technology) ;
Kim, Sang-Hwan
(Dept. of Civil Engineering, Hoseo University)
- Published : 2008.03.28
Along with the increasing demand for automatic and mechanical tunnel excavation methods in Korea, the Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) method of tunnel excavation has become increasingly popular. However, in spite of this rising demand, few studies have been performed on the TBM method, in Korea. For this reason, this study focused on evaluation of the applicability of TBM performance prediction models based on field data in order to contribute to the basic and essential parts of TBM designation and the TBM method of tunnel excavation in Korea. These rock properties can be defined as the mechanical and physical factors of rock that have an influence on a disc cutter's ability to cut rock, and provide information for the evaluation of the applicability of field data. Based on outcomes from these tests, applicability of the prediction model was evaluated and the predicted performance of a TBM was compared with real field data obtained from four different TBM construction sites in Korea.