Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference (한국지반공학회:학술대회논문집)
- 2008.03a
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- Pages.667-675
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- 2008
A Characteristic of Compaction for construction of dike using Gypsum
석고를 활용한 제방 축조시 석고의 다짐 특성
- Seo, Dong-Uk (Rural Research Institute, Korea Rural Community & Agriculture Corporation) ;
- Kim, Hyeon-Tae (Rural Research Institute, Korea Rural Community & Agriculture Corporation) ;
Jang, Pyeong-Wook
(Dept. of Rural System Engineering, Seoul Natl. Univ.) ;
- Yu, Bong-Sun (Engineering Team, Namhae Chemical Corp.) ;
- Ahn, Chang-Sub (Dept. of Port & Harbour, Korea Engineering Consultants Corp.)
- 서동욱 (한국농촌공사 농어촌연구원) ;
- 김현태 (한국농촌공사 농어촌연구원) ;
(서울대학교 지역시스템공학과) ;
- 유봉선 (남해화학(주) 기술팀) ;
- 안창섭 (한국종합기술(주) 항만부)
- Published : 2008.03.28
As a large construction such as highway, dam, reclaimed land etc. increase in number more and more, large amount of fill materials are required. However, it's difficult to obtain it because of environmental problems and economical efficiency. A alternative plan is to utilize a gypsum which is a by-product yielded from chemical plants and verify suitability to use gypsum as fill materials. Therefore, a characteristic of compaction for gypsum is analyzed and construction methods are given regard to this characteristic from construction of dike using gypsum. Based on the results obtained, it is found that moisture of gypsum in compaction should to be more dry side of O.M.C(optimal moisture content) because of sponge phenomenon. When gypsum is used to fill materials, standards of compaction should be decided from laboratory test.