대한전자공학회:학술대회논문집 (Proceedings of the IEEK Conference)
- 대한전자공학회 2007년도 하계종합학술대회 논문집
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- Pages.107-108
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- 2007
차량충돌방지 레이더의 허상방지 대책용 전파흡수체 개발에 관한 연구
I A Study on Development of the EM Wave Absorber for Eliminating False Image in a Collision-Avoidance Radar
- Choi, Chang-Mook (Dept. of Radio Sciences & Engineering, Korea Maritime University) ;
Kim, Dong-Il
(Dept. of Radio Sciences & Engineering, Korea Maritime University) ;
- Park, Woo-Keun (KBS Busan) ;
- Ko, Kwang-Soob (Naval Staff College)
- 발행 : 2007.07.11
In this paper, the EM wave absorbers were designed and fabricated for collision-avoidance radars using Carbon of a dielectric material and Permalloy of a magnetic material with CPE, because radar system has some problems including false image and system-to-system interference. We fabricated some samples in different composition ratio of Carbon and Permalloy, and defined that optimum composition ratios of Carbon and Permalloy with CPE were Carbon:CPE=20:80 wt% and Permalloy:CPE=70:30 wt%. And absorption abilities at different thicknesses of the EM wave absorbers were simulated using the material properties. The EM wave absorbers were manufactured based on the simulated design. Simulated and measured results agree very well.