Character of Induction Heating ZCS PWM SEPP High Frequency Inverter

유도가열용 ZCS PWM SEPP 고주파 인버터의 특성

  • Published : 2007.11.30


This research presented the new zero-current switching pulse width modulation SEPP(Single Ended Push-Pull)high frequency inverter for solving the problem of the zero-current SEPP high frequency inverter circuit which is using widely in the practical application of an induction heating apparatus, the soft switching operation and power control are impossible when the lowest power supply in the zero-current switching pulse width modulation SEPP high frequency inverter. The inverter circuit which is attempted by on-off operation of a switch has the reduction effect of the power loss due to a soft switching and a high frequency switching. And it confirmed that the power regulation is possible continuously from 0.25[kW] until 2.84[kW] in the case the duty rate(D) changes from 0.08 to 0.3 under zero-current switching operating by a dissymmetry pulse width modulating control and the power conversion efficiency comes true the efficiency of 95[%]. Due to the result above, the ZCS PWM SEPP high frequency inverter will be effective as sources of an induction heating apparatus.
