지진재해예측을 위한 HAZUS와 ShakeMap의 한반도에서의 적용가능성 연구

A Preliminary Study of the Global Application of HAZUS and ShakeMap for Loss Estimation from a Scenario Earthquake in the Korean Peninsular

  • 강수영 (한국해양연구원 해양환경연구본부) ;
  • 김광희 (한국해양연구원 해양환경연구본부) ;
  • 김동춘 (한국해양연구원 해양환경연구본부) ;
  • 유해수 (한국해양연구원 해양환경연구본부) ;
  • 민동주 (한국해양연구원 해양환경연구본부) ;
  • 석봉출 (한국해양연구원 해양환경연구본부)
  • 발행 : 2007.02.22


Efficiency and limitations of HAZUS-MH, a GIS based systematic and informative system developed by FEMA and NIBS for natural hazard loss estimations, are discussed by means of a pilot study in the Korean Peninsular. Gyeongsang-do has been selected for the test after careful reviews of previous studies including historical and modern seismicity in the peninsular. A ShakeMap for the selected scenario earthquake with magnitude 6.7 in Gyeongju area is prepared. Then, any losses due to the scenario event have been estimated using HAZUS. Results of the pilot test show that the study area may experience significant physical, economic and social damages. Detailed study in the future will provide efficient and crucial information to the decision makers and emergency agents to mitigate any disaster posed by natural hazards.
