A Study on the Determinants of Continuance Intention in Mobile Internet Service: A Relationship Development Perspective

  • 발행 : 2007.11.09


The mobile Internet (M-Internet) service is a form of subscription-based information Systems (IS) services in which usage continuance is essential for the eventual success of the service providers. However, previous research on IS continuance has focused mainly on the technology user aspects despite the fact that the user plays a dual role of being a technology user and service consumer in many IS usage contexts. This study thus aims to examine IS continuance based on the theoretical foundation of dedication-based and constraint-based customer relationship development in the context of M-Internet service. Four customer relationship development factors (satisfaction, perceived value, familiarity, and switching costs) are identified and tested on how they affect continuance intention from a survey conducted on M-Internet service users. Then, the results of this study are discussed along with its limitations and implications.
