Consonant Inventories of the Better Cochlear Implant Children in Korea

말지각 능력이 우수한 인공와우 착용 아동들의 조음 능력;음소의 정밀 전사

  • 장선아 (서울대학교 언어청각장애진료실) ;
  • 김수진 (나사렛대학교 언어치료학과) ;
  • 신지영 (고려대학교 국어국문과)
  • Published : 2007.05.18


The purpose of this study is 1) to describe the phoneme inventories of cochlear implant(CI) children and 2) to describe their utterances using narrow phonetic transcription method. All the subjects had more than 2 year-experience with CI and showed more than 87% open-set sentence perception abilities. Average consonant accuracy was 81.36% and it was improved up to 87.41% when distortion errors were not counted. They showed different error patterns from hearing aid users. The prominent error pattern was weakening of consonants.
