The effect of dialogic reading program on verbal behaviors in mothers of children with developmental language delays

대화식 책읽기 부모교육 프로그램이 언어발달지체 아동 어머니의 책읽기 상호작용 행동에 미치는 영향

  • 오영신 (나사렛대학교 재활복지대학원) ;
  • 김정미 (나사렛대학교 언어치료학과)
  • Published : 2007.05.18


Dialogic reading program is designed to involve children actively during shared reading and to provide a rich avenue for language development. The present study is to examine the effects of the modified dialogic reading program on parent-child interactions in parents of children with developmental language delays. six children with developmental language delays and their parents were participated. This 4 week program was composed of three group sessions and one individual feedback session. Parent-child interactions were videotaped before and after the program. As a result, all six parents showed increase in positive behaviors during the interaction after completing the program. And negative behaviors were partly decreased. These results were discussed in conclusions.
