The Acoustic Characteristics in Women Diver's Soombijil Sound

해녀의 숨비질소리에 대한 음향특징

  • 한지연 (대구대학교 언어치료학과) ;
  • 박현자 (대구대학교 언어치료학과) ;
  • 정옥란 (대구대학교 언어치료학과)
  • Published : 2007.05.18


This study examined the acoustic characteristics in women diver's Soombijil sound. A total of 18 women divers was attended this study. Acoustic analysis was performed via Praat. Soombijil sound were classified into three types as pitch variations in beginning, middle, and ending part. Type I showed increasing-decreasing-flat. Type II was identified by the shape of flat-flat-increasing. The shape of type III showed increasing-decreasing-increasing. Duration of Soombijil sound was mean 1.48 sec. The range of frequency was 1591.54 ${\sim}$ 4477.13 Hz. FFT analysis showed that frequencies were concentrated 500${\sim}$2000 Hz. Type I and II showed two peaks at 500 Hz and 1500${\sim}$2000 Hz. Type III has one peak below 500 Hz.
