The comparative Study of the Acoustic Representation between Pansori singer's and Spasmodic dysphonia patient's Voice

병적인 소리 떨림증과 소리꾼 떨림증의 음향학적인 비교연구

  • Hong, K.H. (Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, School of Medicine, Chonbuk National University) ;
  • Kim, H.G. (Research Institute of Speech Science, Chonbuk National University) ;
  • Lee, J.K. (The BEST Ent Clinic) ;
  • Choi, J.S. (The BEST Ent Clinic)
  • 홍기환 (전북대 의과대학 이비인후과학교실) ;
  • 김현기 (전북대 대학원 임상 언어병리학과/ 음성 과학연구소) ;
  • 이진국 (광주 베스트이비인후과) ;
  • 조재식 (광주 베스트이비인후과)
  • Published : 2007.05.18


Muscle groups that are located in and around the vocal tract can produce audible changes in frequency and/or intensity of the voice. Vocal vibrato is a characteristic feature in the singing of performers trained in the western classical tradition and vibrato is generally considered to result from modulation in frequency amplitude and timbre. Vocal tremor is also characterized by periodic fluctuations in the voice frequency or intensity and vocal tremor is symptom of a neurological disease as Spasmodic dysphonia , Parkinson's disease. Vocal vibrato and Vocal tremor may have many of the same origins and mechanisms in the voice production systems. The purpose of this study is to find acostic character of Korean traditional song Pansori singer's vibrato and Spasmodic dysphonia patient's vocal tremor. twelve Pansori singers and seven Spasmodic dysponia patients participated to this study. Power spectrum and Real time Spectrogram are used to analyze the acoustic characteristics of Pansori singing and Spasmodic dysphonia patient's voice The results are as follows; First, vowel formant differences between Pansori singing and Spasmodic dysphonia patient's voice are higher F1, F3. Second, The vibrato rate show differences between Pansori singing and Spasmodic dysphonia patients;$4^{\sim}6/sec$ and $5{\sim}6/sec$ Vibrato rate of pitch is 5.7 Hz ${\sim}$ 42.4 Hz for Pansori singing , 3.8 Hz ${\sim}$ 27.9 Hz for Spasmodic dysphonia patients ;Vibrato rate of intensity range is 0.07 dB ${\sim}$ 8.26 dB for Pansori singing and 0.07 dB ${\sim}$ 4.81 dB for Spasmodic dysphonia patients
