3D Depth Measurement System-based Nonliniar Trail Recognition for Mobile Robots

3 차원 거리 측정 장치 기반 이동로봇용 비선형 도로 인식

  • 김종만 (남도대학 컴퓨터응용전기과) ;
  • 김원섭 (남도대학 컴퓨터응용전기과) ;
  • 신동용 (제주한라대학 방사선과)
  • Published : 2007.06.21


A method to recognize unpaved road region using a 3D depth measurement system is proposed for mobile robots. For autonomous maneuvering of mobile robots, recognition of obstacles or recognition of road region is the essential task. In this paper, the 3D depth measurement system which is composed of a rotating mirror, a line laser and mono-camera is employed to detect depth, where the laser light is reflected by the mirror and projected to the scene objects whose locations are to be determined. The obtained depth information is converted into an image. Such depth images of the road region represent even and plane while that of off-road region is irregular or textured. Therefore, the problem falls into a texture identification problem. Road region is detected employing a simple spatial differentiation technique to detect the plain textured area. Identification results of the diverse situation of Nonlinear trail are included in this paper.
