태양전지 모듈의 바이패스 다이오드 동작 특성 분석

The Analysis on Operation Characteristics of Bypass Diode in PV Module

  • 발행 : 2007.06.21


In this paper, we studied the shadow effect which is one of environmental cause for hot-spot phenomenon on PV by considering electrical effects. We fabricated PV module in case of existence and nonexistence of bypass diode. And maximum output power and thermal distribution was analyzed by shadowing solar cell by increase of 5%. From the results, the PV module's(without bypass diode) maximum output power was reduced by hot-spot gradually. But the PV module's(with bypass diode) maximum output power had no reduction by operation of bypass diode, though solar cell is shadowed more than 60%. The solar cell temperature of PV module(without bypass diode) was $10^{\circ}C$ higher compared to module's one. This is a reason for shortening of durability of PV module.
