A Study on factors for steel industry e-Commerce

철강산업 전자상거래 활성화를 위한 영향 요인 분석

  • Published : 2007.06.02


The purpose of this research is to investigate the current state of e-commerce for corporations in the steel industry and to analyze the factors that led failure in active use of e-commerce. Data from 51 companies are col looted. Factors that affect the e-commerce adoption and use of were analyzed. The influence of e-commerce utilization on corporate performance was also examined. It was found that several factors known to influence e-commerce use in the steel industry such as transact ion methods, preferences, and the level of information-orientation, did not actually have a significant impact. Rather items such as the maturity of e-commerce experience and perceptual compatibility between product characteristics and e-commerce turned out to have a significant influence on the utilization levels of e-commerce. The level of e-commerce utilization in system had a significant impact on each of the three performance dimensions : internal performance, external performance and financial performance.
