Policy Vision on the Cultural Contents Industry as a New Growth Power in the 21 Century

21세기 신성장 동력, 문화콘텐츠 정책의 방향

  • 김정훈 (문화관광부 혁신인사기획팀)
  • Published : 2007.06.02


The purpose of this paper is to find an policy vision and action plans for the growth of the Korean cultural contents industry as a new growth power in the 21th century. For this purpose, I referred to sundry records to analyze the characteristics, industrial situation and the prospects of the cultural contents industry. I also made an analysis on the outcome of the cultural contents policy with the help of the official concerned in the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, which made it possible for me to draw a few urgent problems of Korean cultural contents industry. With these preceding analyses, I proposed the strategy and action plans of the government policy for the Korean cultural contents industry as follows : strengthening the creative power of the cultural contents industry, systemizing the healthy circulation of the cultural contents, and improvement of the cultural welfare on the basis of contents.
