암의 비대칭적 성장, 혈관생성 및 혈류역학에 대한 수치적 연구

Numerical Research about Asymmetric Growth of Cancer, Angiogenesis and Hemodynamics

  • 김유석 (강원대학교 기계메카트로닉스공학부 대학원) ;
  • 심은보 (강원대학교 기계메카트로닉스공학부)
  • 발행 : 2007.05.30


Tumor hemodynamics in vascular state is numerically simulated using pressure node solution. The tumor angiogenesis pattern in our previous study is used for the geometry of vessel networks. For tumor angiogenesis, the equation that governed angiogenesis comprises a tumor angiogenesis factor (TAF) conservation equation in time and space, which is solved numerically using the Galerkin finite element method. A stochastic process model is used to simulate vessel formation and vessel. In this study, we use a two-dimensional model with planar vessel structure. Hemodynamics in vessel is assumed as incompressible steady flow with Newtonian fluid properties. In parent vessel, arterial pressure is assigned as a boundary condition whereas a constant terminal pressure is specified in tumor inside. Kirchhoff's law is applied to each pressure node to simulate the pressure distribution in vessel networks. Transient pressure distribution along with angiogenesis pattern is presented to investigate the effect of tumor growth in tumor hemodynamics.
