용접 잔류음력을 고려한 강구조물의 피로강도평가

A Numerical Estimation of Fatigue Strength of Welded Steel Structures with Residual Stresses

  • 정흥진 (전주대학교 토목환경공학과) ;
  • 유병찬 (전주대학교 토목환경공학과)
  • 발행 : 2007.04.12


According to previous research, welding-induced residual stresses in steel structures can significantly affect the fatigue behaviour. Usually, high tensile residual stresses up to the yield strength are conservatively assumed at the weld toes. This conservative assumption can result in misleading fatigue assessments. Thee welding-induced residual stresses need be known in advance for a reliable fatigue assessment, which becomes possible to an increasing extent by numerical welding simulation. In this study, a fatigue Analysis technique for steel structures with welding induced residual stress is presented. First, We calculate the history of temperature according with welding process. Secondly, residual stress with a welding thermal history was evaluated by non-linear thermal stress analysis and lastly, fatigue strength is estimated with modified Goodman equation which can consider the effect of mean stress level.
