Technical Trend of Offshore Geotechnical Site Investigations

해상 지반조사 분야의 기술 동향

  • Cho, Sung-Min (Technical Advisory Team, Incheon Bridge Construction Office, Korea Expressway Corporation)
  • 조성민 (한국도로공사 인천대교건설사업단 기술지원팀)
  • Published : 2007.09.14


Offshore geotechnical site investigation of the seabed ground has been a key factor of the successful construction of various types of offshore structures like as sea-crossing bridges, submerged tunnels, and other marine facilities. Offshore investigations are not easy tasks because of the wave, wind, tidal ebb and flows, and others. Recent developments of offshore equipment including platforms and testing devices like as maine cone penetrator have inspired us to get more reliable characteristics of the seafloor. General information on the offshore site investigations and technical trends concerned are introduced.
