표면파 지반 탐사를 위한 새로운 신호 처리기법의 개발

Development of Data Analysis Method for Surface Wave Test

  • 박형춘 (충남대학교 토목공학과) ;
  • 김동수 (한국과학기술원 토목공학과) ;
  • 조성은 (한국수자원공사 댐기술연구소)
  • 발행 : 2007.06.07


The evaluation of shear modulus (or shear wave velocity) profile of site is very important in the various fields of geotechnical engineering. To obtain shear wave velocity profile, various in-situ seismic methods using surface waves have been developed. These surface wave based in-situ seismic methods have their own strength and weakness. In this study, new seismic site characterization method using the harmonic wavelet analysis of wave (HWAW) was proposed to overcome some of weaknesses in the existing surface wave based seismic site characterization methods. HWAW method which is based on time-frequency analysis using harmonic wavelet transform have been developed to determine phase and group velocities of waves. In order to estimate the applicability of HWAW method, field tests were performed. Through field applications and comparison with other test results, the applicability of the proposed method were verified.
