입자추적 미세유변학의 묽은 점탄성 물질에 대한 응용

Particle Tracking Microrheology and its application to dilute viscoelastic materials

  • 임윤재 (서울대학교 화학생물공학부) ;
  • 이성식 (서울대학교 화학생물공학부) ;
  • 안경현 (서울대학교 화학생물공학부) ;
  • 이승종 (서울대학교 화학생물공학부)
  • Yim Yoon-Jae (School of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Seoul National University) ;
  • Lee Sung-Sik (School of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Seoul National University) ;
  • Ahn Kyung-Hyun (School of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Seoul National University) ;
  • Lee Seung-Jong (School of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Seoul National University)
  • 발행 : 2006.06.01


Soft materials, such as polymer solutions, gels and filamentous protein materials in cells, show complicated behavior due to their complex structures and dynamics with multiple characteristic time and length scales. Several complementary techniques have been developed to measure viscoelastic of soft materials. Especially, particle tracking microrheology, using the Brownian motion of particles in a medium to get rheological properties, has recently been improved both theoretically and experimentally. Compared to other conventional methods, video particle tracking microrheology has some advantages such as small sample volume, detecting spatial variation of local rheological properties, and less damage to sample materials. With these advantages, microrheology is more suitable to measure the properties of complex materials than other mechanical rheometries.
