한국통신학회:학술대회논문집 (Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Communication Sciences Conference)
- 한국통신학회 2006년도 하계종합학술발표회 논문 초록집
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- Pages.528-528
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- 2006
멀티코드-CDMA 와 멀티코드-배직교변조 시스템에서 출력신호의 정 진폭화를 위한 부호화 방식과 시스템의 성능 비교 분석
An analysis of constant amplitude preceding schemes and performance for multicode-COMA and muiticode-biorthogonal modulation systems
- Kim Beom-Suk (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies) ;
- You Hae-Seon (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies) ;
- Kim Myoung-Jin (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies) ;
- Kim Sung-Pil (Korea Info. & Comm. Polytechnic College)
- 발행 : 2006.07.01