The Result of 2500kW Induction Smelting System Trial Running and Basic Design of 5000kW Induction Smelting System

2500kW 용해설비 시운전 결과 및 5000kW 용해로용 인버터 설계

  • Published : 2006.06.01


The authors, R&D member of DAWONSYS and Soongsil University, are developing 5000kW smelting inverter system by 2007 under the sponsor from Korea Energy Management Corporation. As a part of the project, 2500kW inverter system has developed in 2005[6], and installed in real production site, and has been running for 7 months successfully. This report deals with the test result of 2500kW smelting inverter system and design for 5000kW smelting inverter system which is final target of this project.
