Loss Analysis of Pulse Type Inverter Circuit for PLS

PLS용 펄스형 인버터 회로의 손실분석

  • Jung Yong-Chae (Dept. of Electronics Eng., Namseoul Univ.) ;
  • Jung Yun-Chul (Digital Appliance Research Lab., LG Electronics Inc.) ;
  • Kim Eui-Sung (Digital Appliance Research Lab., LG Electronics Inc.)
  • 정용채 (남서울대학교 전자공학과) ;
  • 정윤철 (LG전자 디지털 어플라이언스 연구소) ;
  • 김의성 (LG전자 디지털 어플라이언스 연구소)
  • Published : 2006.06.01


The aim of the paper is to design the PLS(Plasma Lighting System) driving inverter circuit with optimal efficiency. In general, it is known that the PLS driven by a pulse has a higher light-conversion efficiency. There are the Class-E type resonant inverter and the semi-bridge inverter as a circuit which can make a pulse with low duty ratio. In this paper, we analyze the losses of the above two circuits. To verify the loss analysis, the inverter circuit with 220V 380W input consumption is manufactured and tested. Throughout the experimental results, the high efficiency PLS system has confirmed.
