The Study on the meaning of Heidegger's Dwelling;Focused on the interpretations of C. Norberg-Schulz and M. Cacciari

하이데거의 Dwelling의 의미에 관한 연구;C. Norberg-Schulz와 M. Cacciari의 해석을 중심으로

  • 김경호 (대진대학교 건축공학과)
  • Published : 2006.11.11


Dwelling refers to a way of being that has to do with a cautious and guarded attitude. What has to be nurtured and preserved is the dweller's relationship with the fourfold of heaven and earth, divinities and mortals. This leads to the fourfold definition that mortals dwell insofar as they save the earth, receive heaven as heaven, await the divinities as divinities, and are capable of death as death. Heidegger sees the thing as the concrescence of what he calls the fourfold of earth, sky, mortals, and divinities. For Heidegger, true being means to be open to the fourfold, to tend the fourfold in its essence. C. Norberg-Schulz takes as his starting point Heidegger's notion of the thing as that in which the fourfold is assembled. The built space must be organized in a way that concrete places are created, places that are characterized by a specific genius loci. This idea refers to life in the warm seclusion of a traditional community, but is much less applicable to the functional networks and relationships that determine life in a modem society. Cacciari thinks that what is worth questioning is in particular the condition of homelessness perceived by Heidegger, and the possible consequences of this situation for architecture. The aim of this paper is to study the meaning of dwelling through Heidegger's concept of dwelling and the interpretations of C. Norberg-Schulz and M. Cacciari about it.
