A Study on Combustion Troubles, Issues and Countermeasures in the Coal Fired Power Plant Boilers with Various Coals

다양한 탄종 연소에 따른 석탄화력 보일러 연소장애 및 연소현안에 대한 대처방안 연구

  • 김춘근 (한국남동발전(주) 영흥화력본부)
  • Published : 2006.10.20


Various kinds of coals are supplied for coal fired power plants as the coal market situations are fluctuated with the high prices of oil and coals over the world. The quality of coal is decreasing as coal consumption increased and some specifications of coals are out of boiler design criteria. It could make combustion troubles such as coal clogging, spontaneous combustion, coal firing in the coal handling equipments, ash slag and clinker issues, etc. This paper covers combustion troubles, issues and countermeasures in the biggest coal fired power plant in Korea.
